========== Authorship ========== Contributors ------------ The following people have contributed to pyWitness: * `Laura Mickes, `_ Principal Investigator (December 2020 - ) * `Travis Seale-Carlisle `_ (January 2021 - ) * `Xueqing Chen `_ (January 2021 - ) * `Stewart Boogert, `_ Lead Developer (December 2020 - ) Citing pyWitness ---------------- Any publications in which pyWitness was used should cite our preprint: * `Mickes, L., Seale-Carlisle, T. M., Chen, X., & Boogert, S. (2023). pyWitness 1.0: A Python eyewitness identification analysis toolkit. Behavior Research Methods doi.org/10.3758/s13428-023-02108-2. `_ Citations show the code usage, allowing us to continue to develop and maintain pyWitness. Contacting us ------------- We welcome your constructive thoughts on pyWitness. To report issues, ask questions, make comments, and provide suggestions, go to the `issue tracker and click on the green "New issue" button `_.